

Jaguars advance to the State Cup Semi-Final!

Posted by Phil Nielsen on May 17 2011 at 08:22AM PDT in 2010-11

Team Chicago Academy-Jaguars, coached by Joe Moreau and Peter Lambert, defeated Crystal Lake (1-0), Plainfield Legends (3-1) and GLSA (2-0) May 14-15th in Rockford to secure a Semi-Final berth in the U12 Girls IYSA State Cup.

Maddie Lambert and Jasmine Ruiz each had two goals on the weekend, and Rachel Erdman and Ally Sheen also tallied a goal. Megan Keefer earned two shutouts in net.

The Jaguars will face Chicago Fire Juniors North in the Semi-Final on Saturday, June 18th at Noon at Sportscore 2 in Rockford.


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